Monday, July 15, 2013


Every man and woman has the GOD given right to live their life. There should be no inferiority of one race of people or gender. This would seem to be common sense, but as we know nowadays common sense isn't so common. We are experiencing division among families, friends, and people in general.
People are operating with malice in their hearts. We are witnessing senseless killings, domestic abuse, racial profiling,  sex trafficking, among many other things happening in the United States and society as a whole. Examples of this is the black youth violence in Chicago, the kidnapping/hostage case in Cleveland,  to the infamous acquittal of a man killing an unarmed black teenager a year ago in Florida. All of these unfortunate events hit close to home. An individual must have a brave heart and strong mind just to cope with the harsh reality of our society. It  makes you ask the question Can I live?

The bible says in II Timothy 1:7, "For GOD did not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind."

Poetic Thought:

No longer a democracy,
The new United States of hypocrisy,
The revolution continues to be televised,
Morals are on the decline as anger is on the rise,
Hard to receive love, if hate is what a person gives,
Seeking the best of life, asking only Can I live? ~ JD

There is an ole school rap song by the hip hop group Public Enemy back in the day called "Fight the Power".
This song and its sentiment speaks volumes to what men and women that are believers in Christ need to do. I'm speaking in regards to fighting the power of evil, injustice, and hypocrisy. We must be more proactive than reactive in this approach. If so it will ensure a more abundant life. Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013


In today's society there are so many things that will try to trap men and women to forfeit their blessing or miss their purpose. One dictionary definition of trap is: a position or situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape.
Many of us at some point in our lives have faced a trap that we may have put ourselves in or others may have set for us. The measure of a man or woman's heart is how he or she responds and relieve themselves of  being entangled in a trap.
A trap presents itself in various forms a few examples would be: fast illegal money, illicit sexual affairs, abuse, deceit, just to name a few. What is even more astounding is sometimes a trap is set by the ones closest to you. It could be family showing favoritism and hypocrisy towards one another. Maybe someone you are or were in relationship with that deceived you and used excuses to justify the reasoning for it. Or perhaps a co-worker undermining your work so you won't get the promotion because of jealousy.
In my life I've had traps set before me in my path. Honestly it was the grace and mercy of GOD and my resiliency that allowed me overcome them.
The acronym I came up with for T.R.A.P. is (T)ainted (R)eality (A)dverse (P)leasure.

The bible says in Psalm 141:9, "Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, from the traps set by evildoers."

Poetic Thought:

Come in from the storm, seeking to lodge,
The enemy blends in stays camouflage,
Society's menu is backwards, right taste bitter, wrong taste sweet,
Either lay down with lies or stand for truth on your feet,
Stay alert don't get caught slipping taking a nap,
Free will is given to all, so don't fall for the trap! ~ JD

Today May 27th is Memorial Day here in the United States. We honor the soldiers who have served our country in wars and gave their lives bravely. Also for the soldiers who continue to serve today protecting our freedom and civil liberties around the world. These brave men and women face traps everyday in the literal and figurative sense. They must rely on their faith, instincts, and training to avoid or overcome a trap set by our adversaries. I thank you all for everything you do! GOD bless! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Most of us have heard at some point in our lives a delay is not a denial. Sometimes as men and women it is hard to conceive this ideology. By human nature, we want whatever it is we desire. We sometimes want things to happen in our time. I've been guilty of this myself over the course of my life at times. But GOD time is not our time. It doesn't matter if it is a job, a relationship, a move to another city, or some materialistic thing, it will happen when it is suppose to. What matters is do you have the patience to accept the Lord's delay and not interpret it as a denial. As equally important is to understand and accept his denial of something, and not interpret it as a delay. Basically with GOD a no is a NO and a yes is a YES simply put!

The bible says in Habakkuk 2:3, "For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Poetic Thought:

Walk freely overcoming being lame,
Own up to your issues, don't point the finger in blame,
Cultivate the seed, manifest a blessing,
A brave heart and serenity mind erases the stressing,
Have faith and know things will change in a little while,
The promise of GOD comes in due time, so a delay is not a denial! ~ JD

The movie "Love Jones" is one of my favorite movies. Not only because of the poetry aspect, but the real life content and message conveyed in the movie. The two characters Nina Mosely played by the beautiful actress Nia Long and Darius Lovehall played by the talented actor Larenz Tate lit up the silver screen. In short; they met, started dating, became intimate, fell in love, but the rush of emotions and personal issues began to come out. It took them having to go their separate ways and get themselves personally together before the timing was right for them. This was an example of a relationship, but no matter what it may be, sometimes things are delayed for a reason and it doesn't always mean it is a denial. Wait on GOD! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


As men and women, it is important you take inventory of yourself. Everyone has a room, that is room for improvement. We're human, so we have attributes and flaws, strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons.
It is so easy to point out other people's issues and minimize your own.
It amazes me that some men and women have the audacity to speak GOD to others but their mannerisms and actions exude hypocrisy. How can one say they love GOD but treat a family member with malice or mislead and not appreciate a good man or woman that they were in a relationship with. When a person do this, the very thing you desire will continue to elude you, until you change what's in your heart.
I've seen examples of this in my life, pertaining to family, past relationships, and friendships.
Regardless of who you are, no one is exempt. Therefore get right or risk getting left!
The bible says in Proverbs 13:16, "Every prudent  man acts out of knowledge, but a fool expose his folly."

Poetic Thought:

The fire blazes in the heart,
Courage under pressure to finish what you start,
The eyes are the windows to the soul,
Lies cannot exist because the truth is too bold,
Real love is not optional but obligatory,
Man up, woman up, take self inventory! ~ JD

Anyone who knows me, know that I am a die hard Chicago Bears (NFL) and Chicago Bulls (NBA) fan.
When you are a true fan of any team, whether winning or losing you still support your team because you have loyalty. You won't be a bandwagon fan, who jumps to a team just because they are winning for the moment. Some men and women are like that, when it comes to each other. When losses occur, difference of opinions, and adversity strike, folks like to jump ship. You know the old adage "There is no I in Team" Until next, class dismiss!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


It's no secret that every person that is born has a mother. This Sunday May 12th is Mother's Day.
A celebration and appreciation for all the mothers that love their children, support their spouses, nurture and care for so many others. A mother is a special individual who carried you for 9 months in her womb, the vessel that GOD allowed you to come into this world.
I am grateful for my mother for whom I love dearly. I've witnessed this amazing lady sacrifice so much as I was growing up. She endured family animosity, her own personal issues, divorce, but one thing that remain constant, her love for GOD and her children and grandchildren. I'm thankful for having a mother that prays for me, not judgmental, and encourages me. I never take for granted her presence because so many people I know mothers' have passed away or may be living but not in their life due to conflict.
The bible says in  Genesis 3:20, "Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living."

Poetic Thought:

For every beginning there is an end,
For every good deed there is a sin,
For every bitter there is something sweet,
For every time you fall down, get back on your feet,
For every race commit and run,
For having life and not being aborted, thank and love your mom! ~ JD

Tupac Shakur is one of my favorite Hip Hop artist of all time. His song "Dear Mama" is a classic and a heartfelt ode to his mother. These lyrics below stand out to me:

"Cause when I was low
 You was there for me
 And never left me alone
 Because you cared for me"

"And there's no way I can pay you back
 But my plan is to show you that I understand
 You are appreciated"

As a man, women have come and gone in my life, but one woman that has always been there through the good or bad, is my beloved mother, Sherry C. Davis, I love you mom with all my heart!!! Happy Mother's day to all the mothers that read my blog! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013


We live in a society today where everything is a quick fix and many men and women have little patience for the things they desire. A few examples would be quick instant meals, diet plans requiring no exercise just to name a few. Nothing is wrong with these things but you get out what you put in. We want the success, the results, the blessing, without the patience. We've all heard at some point in our lives, the old adage "Patience is a virtue", but how many of us actually put it into practice in our daily lives.
Speaking for my own life, there has been times  where I wanted something right then and waiting was not an option. Over time maturity has grown within me as a man, though I have not mastered it, I deal with it better than I use to.
 Be it love, career advancement, or improving self there is a greater significance in taking the time to pray, reflect, and consider on the very thing you desire to obtain or pursue.
Be wise ladies and gentlemen and not be too anxious for anything. If you do, you might get ahead of GOD and mishandle a blessing or receive one prematurely.
The bible says in Hebrews 6:15, "And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised."

Poetic Thought:

Like an athlete you must train,
Know your identity, what is the meaning of your name,
Speak into existence, what you desire,
You may start at the bottom, begin climbing the mountain's peak, go higher,
Embrace ownership, never rent your heart out to just any tenant,
Use wisdom to override impatience, for the blessing, wait a minute! ~ JD

There is a song by Bobby Caldwell that was produced in 1978 called "What you won't do for love." Wow! I was about to turn 2 years old that year, guess I'm telling my age huh... :-) Well this is one of my many favorite songs from that era of R&B. Here is a particular line in the lyrics of this song that stands out to me:

"Some people go around the world for love,
 But they may never find what they dream of,
 What you won't do, do for love,
 You tried everything, but you don't give up."

Even though this song is talking about love and relationships, it may be something else for you. No matter what it is, don't rush it , wait a minute. Not just a good thing, but a GOD thing comes to the man and woman who can wait! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


There is a sweeping mentality among men and women today of conformity to the abnormal as if it is normal. First off the definition of conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms.
We are witnessing right before our eyes the conformity to violence, homosexuality, drug abuse, among other things which is causing the family structure to be disassembled.
Now everyone is entitled to their opinion and so am I. This is not an attempt to judge anyone, but merely my perspective on what I am observing day to day in this life.

Violence is running so strong in our communities, that men and women almost become immune to it because it is so prevalent. Murder has a permanent segment in the news be it local or national.
Domestic violence between men and women appears to be trying to eclipse chivalry. Misunderstanding, lack of communication and lack of control over emotions often lead to this happening.

It is no secret, society has become more accepting of the homosexual lifestyle. It is a person's choice who they sleep with. Everyone has to answer to GOD for whatever sin they indulge in, so no sin is greater than the other. I'm not here to judge, and I'm not homophobic, however I firmly believe in a man for a woman and a woman for a man. I respect those who choose differently as long as they respect my belief.
I got to be honest, this influence is seeping into the youth heavily and I see it on a daily basis working in the education field. They are already dealing with peer pressure when it comes to smoking weed, popping  ecstasy pills, fighting, not taking their studies seriously, and now the added dimension of being confused with their sexuality.These are just some of the many factors contributing to the destruction of the family structure.

The bible says in Romans 12:2, " Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is , his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Poetic Thought:

Don't go with the trend to fit in,
Good morals are free, the cost is expensive for sin,
Search deep within your heart and mind,
Pay attention to the sign of the times,
Pray for eternal life in these last days,
Embrace the truth, instead of accepting this conformity craze! ~ JD

I am a huge fan of Marvin Gaye. His music is timeless! His song Inner City Blues (Makes me wanna Holler) is among one of my favorites. It was recorded before I was born but it holds true for today's time. Here is a particular line that stands out in the song:

"Crime is increasing,
  Trigger happy policing,
  Panic is spreading,
  GOD knows where we're heading"

These lyrics speak volumes from 40 years ago until now. Pay attention people. Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Living in today's society men and women deal with alot of issues. Whether it be related to work, family, personal relationships, or even self, there will be challenges. You find out who you really are, in how you respond to these life issues.
Now men and women deal with things differently from a logical and emotional perspective. But the common thread that binds us, is the fact adversity happens to us all regardless of gender, income level, marital status, etc. Many times when we experience disappointment, heartache, or betrayal, it affects our outlook on people and life in general.
Sometimes we may not see it, but when others gossip about you, change their minds by going back on their word, pass judgement , among many other things, it allows you to see they are not meant to go with you where GOD is preparing to take you.
Resiliency and perseverance must be embedded in your psyche in order to embrace this revelation. The question to be answered is like the old mantra for Gatorade "Is it in you?"
The bible says in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Poetic Thought:

See the forest beyond the trees,
Stand for something, but pray on your knees,
Before tasting yes, you will digest alot of no,
To reap a blessing, faith you must sow,
The closer you get eliminate all doubt,
Have no fear it all works out! ~ JD

This past weekend I went to see the movie "42" about the life of Jackie Robinson. It was a great movie, with the heartfelt message of courage, belief, loyalty, and perseverance. Not only did he trail blaze baseball for African-Americans, but the human spirit in the face of bigotry, racism, and hypocrisy because he was called according to his purpose. Also he had a good woman by his side, his helpmate, his wife there to support and encourage him. That my friend is FAVOR! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013


As men and women we live in a society that is self absorbed with the idealogy or image of swag.  Don't get me wrong having swag is a good thing in the sense of individual style, uniqueness, but it shouldn't be the main factor that defines a person. A man or woman need to have substance as well.
People are so consumed with status, how much money someone is making, the appearance of being affluent.
Nothing is wrong for someone to have money, be physically attractive, or have accomplishments but that is not what should define a man or woman totally.
When men and women have morals, integrity, intelligence within the confinement of education and beyond that, are just a few examples of substance.
We as men are visual by nature, so the physical beauty of a woman naturally captures our attention. But what keeps our attention, is if she has substance. Will she support your dreams, encourage you, pray for you, display intelligence and independence.
Women listen to what men say. It must go beyond him sweet talking you, showering you with gifts, but will he protect you, be faithful, pray for you, display wisdom and take iniative. That is substance.

For men the bible says in Proverbs 3:13 "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding."
For women the bible says in Proverbs 31:10 " A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."

Poetic Thought:

Sweet like ice cream and chocolate chip cookies,
You have life experience, be a professional not a rookie,
It takes proper hands to prepare a meal,
Arrange your cards before you split the deck and deal,
Don't play the cat and mouse game, you it, tag,
Substance is mandatory, bonus is swag! ~ JD

Everyone has their preference of what they like. Look beyond the lenses of what you consider to be swag and see if the other person has substance also. That is what counts in the bigger picture. A bonus is when someone has both substance and swag and you will be able to recognize it, if you have it as well. Real recognizes real 24/7/365! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We're living in a society that is full of hate. Men and women are comitting senseless acts of violence in so many ways. Everything from domestic violence, sexual abuse, murder, and terrorism to name a few.
There is a disconnect of morality and the value of life nowadays. Many people have lost their hope, have no faith in GOD and have given in to their insecurities, dysfunction, and evil thoughts.
Everytime you look on the television, there are countless examples of people hurting others physically, emotionally, or both. The abnormality of hate has become normal and the normality of love has become abnormal.
The bible says in Proverbs 10:12, "Hatred stirs up dissension but love covers over all wrongs."

Poetic Thought:

Knives thrown at your back,
Malice build up causing a heart attack,
Instead of choosing to help the choice is to hurt,
Walk over others like their dirt,
Brutality has become a sick infatuation,
GOD help us all living in this hater nation! ~ JD

So much has happen over the past few months in the world, let alone in the USA. December of last year the Newton Connecticut shootings at school, the NFL player murdering his girl friend and killing himself, and yesterday the Boston marathon bombings. Hate is at an all time high, it will take fervent prayer, faith in GOD, and love to conquer this hate. We got to do better as human beings! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

FAITH Factor

Living in our society today, many men and women have little faith. I'm speaking in regards of faith in GOD, in themselves, or just hope for a better tomorrow. It can be easy to feel discourage when adversity strikes or disappointment and heartache occur. Some men and women allow these factors to increase their determination and strengthen their faith, while others give up and throw in the towel.
One must understand this life is going to bring many trials and tribulations. The heart of a man or woman must encompass an unwavering belief in something greater than self. Faith in the creator of heaven and earth.

Faith has played a major part in my life. Many times when I experienced adversity, heartache, or frustration it was my faith that kept me resilient and hopeful for a brighter day.
Faith is being able to see yourself healed when you're sick, employed when you're unemployed, happy when you're sad,  being loved by someone honestly when you were deceived, and succeeding when others said you will fail.
The bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Poetic Thought:

Everyday going against the odds,
Pursuing something great is never easy, sometimes hard,
Write your own story with your heart's pen,
Victory is certain, but you win from within,
Everything has sequence, like the sixth, seventh, and eighth,
To fulfill your purpose and enjoy life, you must activate your faith! ~ JD

The movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" which starred Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith was a candid movie that speaks to faith and determination. It was about the life of Chris Gardner and his son who became homeless, but he eventually became a successful stock broker. No matter what life throws at you always remember to keep the faith! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

SEX Season

The weather is warm, sunny days are here as spring is official before summer come. This means more revealing clothing and everyone displaying their physiques from putting time in the gym. In turn this intensifies the lust for sex between men and women. I stated in an earlier post, sex was created by GOD, so it is a beautiful thing but in its proper context. We know that it is suppose to be experienced in marriage but most have experienced it before marriage, myself included.
The desire for it is a natural part of our human fabric. Mankind has twisted it and done as we please. So now there are many consequences to pay, when wisdom is not used when engaging in it. STD's are at an all time high from Herpes to HIV, marriages being shattered by affairs, abortions because of unwanted pregnancies, homosexuality, just to name a few.

Men and women view sex quite differently. Most times a woman will have sex when she likes a man or have feelings for him. It opens up her emotional bank. There is an exception, some women have casual sex without the emotional attachment. Men, we have sex for a release, (not just the obvious) but more so to relieve stress, as well as the euphoric feeling it brings. But like the exception for women, not all men have sex without emotions, some men engage in it when they do care for the woman it is with.

We live in a society where sex has influence over everything from social media, music, television & film, government, and church.
Sex is a free will choice that can become addictive and even destructive if not handled properly.
The bible says in I Corinthians 6:12, "Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything."

Poetic Thought:

Men and women an undeniable attraction,
Add emotions, subtract sound reasoning, perform sensual actions,
Ride the camaro instead of the horse and carriage,
No license required to engage, oblivious to marriage,
It was created for simplicity but we make it complex,
No diet plan for restraint, overweight lover devouring the cuisine of sex! ~ JD

There is a song by R&B artist Trey Songz called "Sex ain't better than love." I like this song a lot. My own personal journey experiencing sex from being a teen to becoming a man, I can relate to the underlying message he is conveying. This particular verse in the song Trey sings stands out;

"I been out here in these streets and I done learned,
 Every girl I gave my lovin to was only a substitute,
 I been out here in these streets and I done learned,
 Even though she's in my arms,
 This ain't where my heart belongs,
 Sex in the air no lovin here,
 Soon as I get through, I'm outta there."

Be wise, either abstain until you have your GOD sent mate or practice safe sex if you can't wait! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


One key factor that is missing sometimes among men and women today is unity. It seems when there are differences, most people decide to bail out and do their own thing. I have been guilty of this in my life at times. But then I learned how to agree to disagree and move forward not backwards. For the most part people have no deliberate intentions of abandoning the relationship, be it personal or business.
It takes wisdom to realize you can't make people do things they don't want to. Though this is true, it is still no reason for us not to practice unity as believers in GOD, parents, co-workers, family, etc.

Men and women are wired differently, so the scope of our perspectives will not be the same. This is when true maturity come into play to see if personal differences can be put aside to come together for a bigger purpose. Unity is a key element for men and women, and all people in general to thrive in life peaceful and productive instead of chaotic and non productive.
The Bible says in Psalm 133:1, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!"

Poetic Thought:

You go left, I go right,
It is better to converse, than be immerse in a fight,
Division of the heart breeds six degrees of separation,
Cost of love is free, but hate is in constant inflation,
Choose to sustain family and build a stronger community,
A King and Queen always stand together in unity! ~ JD

There is a song by a rap artist named Future featuring Kelly Rowland call  "Neva End". There is a verse that sticks out to me where Kelly says;
 "You walkin out, you comin back again,
  Cause we became the best of friends,
  I got all the questions,
 You got all the answers,
  I done took your heart boy,
 Held it up for ransom."

When two people are going back and forth and having to question if they stand together or apart there is no unity present.  (U) (N) (I) (T)ogether (Y)es  Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

HEART of the matter

One thing that affects most men and women are matters of the heart. If you are a man or woman that have morals, your heart will influence your decisions and actions. Men and women differ in how their hearts guide them. Whether it is in relationships, family, or career. A person's perspective can usually be determined by where their heart is at.
If a man truly has a sincere heart for his family, he will provide, respect, and protect them. He will be faithful to his wife if married, and if he is single will be committed to GOD and his purpose until he finds the blessing of a wife.
If a woman truly has a sincere heart for her family, she will care, nuture, and pray for them. She will be faithful to her husband if married, and if she is single will be committed to GOD and her purpose until she receives the blessing of a husband.
When your heart is full of understanding and compassion, there is no judgement against someone who is different than you or thinks differently than you. You will have the capacity to discern compatibility, character, and integrity of the other individual.
Sometimes we allow our hearts to be hardened when we've experienced hurt, disappointment, or a feeling of being deceived by others we cared about or loved. I have experienced this personally over the course of my life on several occasions. I learned to be resilient and get back focused, so my heart wouldn't stay hardened. It is a process so it doesn't happen overnight but beneficial in the long run.
The bible says in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life."

Poetic Thought:

Waves tossed back and forth in the ocean,
Life is more than a routine, abundance of emotions,
Sometimes you're in the valley, sometimes the mountain peak,
Put GOD first and you will get what you seek,
Building a good thing is important to finish, just as much as it is to start,
A mirror reflects your face, but your identity reflects in your heart! ~ JD

There is an ole school  R&B song by the 80's group Atlantic Starr called "If your heart isn't in it".
I like this song a lot. It speaks volumes in so many ways. If your heart is not in something, be it a relationship, work, or whatever your ministry is, then it will show. Do it from the heart or simply don't do it all! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Everyone is born with some special gift given by the creator of heaven and earth. Now some people discover this gift early in their life, while others discover it later and unfortunately some don't at all. This gift I'm speaking of is directly tied to your purpose.
As men and women, we sometimes go through this life trying to discover our significance or better yet gain acceptance by others. The "others" could be family, friends, co-workers, or someone you're in a relationship with or pursuing one with.
Sometimes in order not to feel overlooked or left out the loop, you might dumb down or conceal your talents just to feel accepted. This is something that no man or woman should ever have to do. If someone really love, respect, or like you they won't require you to dim your light, because they will embrace you to shine not condemn you. They will support you and provide constructive criticism not destructive criticism, because they know your gift is for the greater good of everyone.
The bible says in Proverbs 18:16, "A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great." This scripture speaks volumes and I am a living testimony. My journey is far from over and so is yours.

Poetic Thought:

GOD sees the heart, people humble and ordinary,
Elevate your talent to produce the extraordinary,
Adversity is what tones your spiritual muscle,
Faith without works is dead, therefore you must hustle,
Discipline actions, focused attention, your life will be shifted,
Walk into the promise because you are truly gifted! ~ JD

There is a hip hop song called "Started from the bottom" by a rap artist name Drake. I like this song a lot, way beyond the surface aspect he is speaking of. How will you know what if feels like to be on top if you hadn't been at the bottom at some point in your life. Be humble, be resilient, because you're gifted!
Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

TEMPTATION (Lust & Betrayal)

Temptation comes in many forms but one of the most potent forms is that of lust. Sex is a beautiful thing, that GOD created for the confinement of marriage. It is true most people have experienced it outside of this confinement including myself. With that being said, lets start the discussion.
I went to the movies this weekend to see Tyler Perry's movie Temptation: Confessions of a marriage counselor. It was a decent movie, conveying significant messages throughout. Now I can't speak from the perspective of being married, because I have yet to take that journey down holy matrimony. I can on the other hand speak to what I've seen over the course of my adult life. The basis of the movie centered around a married couple, where the wife feels taken for granted by her husband, and becomes intrigued by a successful client at her job that eventually becomes an affair. Regardless if it is the man or woman in a marriage or a committed relationship that cheats for whatever reason it is wrong. Not to excuse any behavior like that or play devil's advocate but the mate of the other person must be attentive to the signs of discontentment in the relationship. Men we should not take the woman in our life for granted and get so comfortable with the same routine and not appreciate her beauty, loyalty, and encouragement.
Women should not take the man in your life for granted and get so comfortable with the same routine and not appreciate his protection, love, and support. When both parties do this, you open up the door for that other man or woman to come in and present and provide everything that appears to be missing or desired in the current relationship. A lot of us have either seen this scenario happen to others we know or have experienced it ourselves at some point in life.
The bible says in Ephesians 4:19 "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continue lust for more."

Poetic Thought:

It appears the affection has gone missing,
Arguments exude from the lips instead of tender kissing,
No excitement or spontaneous spark in life,
Once an array of colors, becoming 50 shades of gray with spite,
Love is work, emotional, physical, and mental relation,
If you slack on the job, it can be taken by temptation! ~ JD

Some may say monogamy is a tough pill to swallow, but on the contrary it is a multi-vitamin that helps support your relationship immune system. If not taken daily along with the discipline to exercise your commitment to one another, it will cause your emotions and libido to become unstable and lead to lust and betrayal! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013


When faced with day to day adversity in life a person must be courageous. So many things happen these days that keep men and women paralyze by fear. It comes in many forms from sickness, broken relationships, financial stress, or simply self doubt. Sometimes we have to look beyond the horizon and go where others may be afraid to. Your mind must have the capacity of perseverance and your heart must be resilient. I know this all to well in my personal life. So I am speaking from experience not what I heard. Only you and GOD truly know the odds, vulnerabilities, or circumstances you've had to overcome or go through. Other people regardless of who they are only see from a limited view, the outside not the inside. Unfortunately a lot of the times it's usually the people close to you like family, friends, or someone you're in relationship with that may express some form of discouragement, jealousy, or hate. When others do this it is a twisted form of admiration, because secretly  they wish they had the fortitude to step out on faith to do what you're doing or attempting to do. The bible says in Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your GOD will be with you wherever you go."

Poetic Thought:

The battle is heated not for the faint of heart, but you're not alone,
Have gatorade endurance, not premature but staying power, go strong,
Adversity is the teacher, you will be put to the test,
Go in the fire as a piece of coal, come out a diamond, shine at your best,
Be positive not negative, both are contagious,
Your steps are ordered, stand boldy, be courageous! ~ JD

To be a courageous man or woman is think to outside the box, step outside the box, trust GOD and believe in yourself no matter where you're at in your life right now. Be COURAGEOUS! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


As men and women we hear all the time the statement or proclaimation "don't settle for less than you deserve". Now as mature adults we know this to be true, but applying it to your life is a different ball game. At some point in our lives we've settled for less than what GOD has for us. Whether it was a relationship, career choices, how you were treated by family, and the list goes on. Why do we subsconciously settle for things in life that is less than what we deserve? Good question. My opinion is that sometimes the fear of  not having something to call your own, belonging to a group, or a sense of  feeling accomplished. Now there are a multitude of other reasons people settle but once again I am stating a few from my opinion that I have either experienced or seen myself. No matter your gender, perspective, or marital status settling for less is not the intended purpose GOD created you for.  In Isaiah 43:18-19 GOD says "Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old. Look , I am about to do something new."

Poetic Thought:

I strive for more not less,
No mediocrity but the best,
Perserverance through struggle, rise above mess,
Counting the blessing that births out the labor of stress,
Engaged in life's olympics, going for the gold medal,
I'm a child of GOD therefore I won't settle! ~ JD

There is a gospel song by Marvin Sapp that is my favorite, its called the Best in Me. It really touches my heart because undoubtedly I can relate to the message as it pertains to my life. No matter how others view you, mistakes you've made, GOD always sees the best in you. Therefore never settle for anything less! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today there are different perspectives that separate how men and women view each other and relationships. It is a never ending debate on whose agenda should take precedence. Single men and women date, get acquainted with one another, to see if there is a potential mate and commitment that can be achieved. Now there still are men and women out there regardless of their age who play games for their own selfish reasons be it sex, money, or other materialistic possessions. Bottom line when you are a mature man or woman with enough RLE (Real Life Experience) under your belt, you stop playing the games and tap into your GOD given wired instinctive psyche. Men seek significance and women seek security. Allow me to break this down with a few examples: Significance for a man is (1) Feeling that he's needed (2) Attentive to the possibilities of the future (3) Focused on where we're trying to go <Goal>
Security for a woman is (1) Feeling that she's wanted (2) Attentive to the realities of the past (3) Focused on how we're trying to go <Process>  
Now this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own, but it comes from personal experiences and observations over the years in relationships and dating.

The scripture Amos 3:3 says Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?

Poetic Thought:

He shows her his ability to provide,
She shows support standing by his side,
He appreciates her and gives his undivided attention,
She encourages him with affirmation such an honorable mention,
He extends his love through physical touch, time and devotion,
She gives back love by opening up her heart and emotions! ~ JD

There is an ole school song by Johnny Gill and Stacy Lattisaw called Where do we go from here? I like that song because it is real and raises a relevant question that men and women have to answer at some point if  he or she is seeking a meaningful relationship. It starts with You! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


We all have heard the old adage " A tree is judge by the fruit it bears." As men and women we are called to bear fruit. Not just for ourselves in the literal sense of growing apples, oranges, or whatever fruit of your choice maybe. I am talking about service and positive influence in the lives of others. Whether it be your family, friends, co-workers, or strangers. We live in a society where its all about being self absorb in our own desires. Nothing is wrong for a man or woman to desire things or to better themselves in life, but we must remember Jesus served others in the form of healing the sick, teaching disciples, feeding the hungry, along with many more things.

The scripture John 15:16 Jesus says "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.
When you are fruitful, you are a blessing to others and in return you will be blessed as long as you do it from the heart.

Poetic Thought:

Real men and women cultivate,
Sow seeds of love not hate,
Give of themselves freely with time,
Leave a positive impression on someone else heart and mind,
When you care for others, you are at your best,
Real men and women are fruitful not fruitless! ~ JD

Reflect on your life as a man or woman, take inventory to see if you are being fruitful or fruitless! Commit to doing better no matter which one it is. Until next time, class dismiss!!