Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Most of us have heard at some point in our lives a delay is not a denial. Sometimes as men and women it is hard to conceive this ideology. By human nature, we want whatever it is we desire. We sometimes want things to happen in our time. I've been guilty of this myself over the course of my life at times. But GOD time is not our time. It doesn't matter if it is a job, a relationship, a move to another city, or some materialistic thing, it will happen when it is suppose to. What matters is do you have the patience to accept the Lord's delay and not interpret it as a denial. As equally important is to understand and accept his denial of something, and not interpret it as a delay. Basically with GOD a no is a NO and a yes is a YES simply put!

The bible says in Habakkuk 2:3, "For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Poetic Thought:

Walk freely overcoming being lame,
Own up to your issues, don't point the finger in blame,
Cultivate the seed, manifest a blessing,
A brave heart and serenity mind erases the stressing,
Have faith and know things will change in a little while,
The promise of GOD comes in due time, so a delay is not a denial! ~ JD

The movie "Love Jones" is one of my favorite movies. Not only because of the poetry aspect, but the real life content and message conveyed in the movie. The two characters Nina Mosely played by the beautiful actress Nia Long and Darius Lovehall played by the talented actor Larenz Tate lit up the silver screen. In short; they met, started dating, became intimate, fell in love, but the rush of emotions and personal issues began to come out. It took them having to go their separate ways and get themselves personally together before the timing was right for them. This was an example of a relationship, but no matter what it may be, sometimes things are delayed for a reason and it doesn't always mean it is a denial. Wait on GOD! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

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