Living in today's society men and women deal with alot of issues. Whether it be related to work, family, personal relationships, or even self, there will be challenges. You find out who you really are, in how you respond to these life issues.
Now men and women deal with things differently from a logical and emotional perspective. But the common thread that binds us, is the fact adversity happens to us all regardless of gender, income level, marital status, etc. Many times when we experience disappointment, heartache, or betrayal, it affects our outlook on people and life in general.
Sometimes we may not see it, but when others gossip about you, change their minds by going back on their word, pass judgement , among many other things, it allows you to see they are not meant to go with you where GOD is preparing to take you.
Resiliency and perseverance must be embedded in your psyche in order to embrace this revelation. The question to be answered is like the old mantra for Gatorade "Is it in you?"
The bible says in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Poetic Thought:
See the forest beyond the trees,
Stand for something, but pray on your knees,
Before tasting yes, you will digest alot of no,
To reap a blessing, faith you must sow,
The closer you get eliminate all doubt,
Have no fear it all works out! ~ JD
This past weekend I went to see the movie "42" about the life of Jackie Robinson. It was a great movie, with the heartfelt message of courage, belief, loyalty, and perseverance. Not only did he trail blaze baseball for African-Americans, but the human spirit in the face of bigotry, racism, and hypocrisy because he was called according to his purpose. Also he had a good woman by his side, his helpmate, his wife there to support and encourage him. That my friend is FAVOR! Until next time, class dismiss!!!
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