Monday, March 25, 2013


When faced with day to day adversity in life a person must be courageous. So many things happen these days that keep men and women paralyze by fear. It comes in many forms from sickness, broken relationships, financial stress, or simply self doubt. Sometimes we have to look beyond the horizon and go where others may be afraid to. Your mind must have the capacity of perseverance and your heart must be resilient. I know this all to well in my personal life. So I am speaking from experience not what I heard. Only you and GOD truly know the odds, vulnerabilities, or circumstances you've had to overcome or go through. Other people regardless of who they are only see from a limited view, the outside not the inside. Unfortunately a lot of the times it's usually the people close to you like family, friends, or someone you're in relationship with that may express some form of discouragement, jealousy, or hate. When others do this it is a twisted form of admiration, because secretly  they wish they had the fortitude to step out on faith to do what you're doing or attempting to do. The bible says in Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your GOD will be with you wherever you go."

Poetic Thought:

The battle is heated not for the faint of heart, but you're not alone,
Have gatorade endurance, not premature but staying power, go strong,
Adversity is the teacher, you will be put to the test,
Go in the fire as a piece of coal, come out a diamond, shine at your best,
Be positive not negative, both are contagious,
Your steps are ordered, stand boldy, be courageous! ~ JD

To be a courageous man or woman is think to outside the box, step outside the box, trust GOD and believe in yourself no matter where you're at in your life right now. Be COURAGEOUS! Until next time, class dismiss!!!

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