Today there are different perspectives that separate how men and women view each other and relationships. It is a never ending debate on whose agenda should take precedence. Single men and women date, get acquainted with one another, to see if there is a potential mate and commitment that can be achieved. Now there still are men and women out there regardless of their age who play games for their own selfish reasons be it sex, money, or other materialistic possessions. Bottom line when you are a mature man or woman with enough RLE (Real Life Experience) under your belt, you stop playing the games and tap into your GOD given wired instinctive psyche. Men seek significance and women seek security. Allow me to break this down with a few examples: Significance for a man is (1) Feeling that he's needed (2) Attentive to the possibilities of the future (3) Focused on where we're trying to go <Goal>
Security for a woman is (1) Feeling that she's wanted (2) Attentive to the realities of the past (3) Focused on how we're trying to go <Process>
Now this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own, but it comes from personal experiences and observations over the years in relationships and dating.
The scripture Amos 3:3 says Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
Poetic Thought:
He shows her his ability to provide,
She shows support standing by his side,
He appreciates her and gives his undivided attention,
She encourages him with affirmation such an honorable mention,
He extends his love through physical touch, time and devotion,
She gives back love by opening up her heart and emotions! ~ JD
There is an ole school song by Johnny Gill and Stacy Lattisaw called Where do we go from here? I like that song because it is real and raises a relevant question that men and women have to answer at some point if he or she is seeking a meaningful relationship. It starts with You! Until next time, class dismiss!!!
JD, you are most definitely right about how mature men and women view each other. With the key word being MATURE. Mature women with experience know what they want, and know what they will not settle for regarding looking for the potential in a mate. In my case, GOD has to come first because without HIM, nothing I do will prosper. If that potential applicant is not rooted in GOD then I do not even allow myself to develop anything but a friendship; nothing else. I am not perfect and I know I do not expect anyone else to be. I do not act as if I am Ms. Holy but when I decided to give myself away to GOD, there are certain things I refuse to do. I expect my potential mate to worship GOD together with me as one. With a godly foundation, we will be able to weather any cracks they may threaten our foundation, and mend them with the CHRIST.