At some point in your life there will be a transition. The transition could be personally, professionally, spiritually or all three and then some. How you view and embrace the transition will determine if your outcome is positive or negative.
Human nature says a lot of people are afraid of change or resist it subconsciously because of their comfort zone. How many times in your life have you resisted a transition that was inevitable for your life to grow? It could be the transition from a relationship, a job, a habit, or anything that keeps you from your full potential as a man or woman.
"Purpose requires the transition from complacency to courageous effective change." So whatever the transition you are going through now or have completed allow it to make you a better person and thank God in the process.
The bible says in Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Poetic Thought:
My thoughts are deep not surface,
Eliminate anything not beneficial to your Purpose,
Strive to manifest your potential,
Blessings will begin to flow exponential,
Life is made up of actions and decisions,
In order to reach your destiny, you must go through the transition! ~ JD
Thirty days from now on November 6th will be my birthday. I will make the transition from my current age to the next age. All my life I have been in a transition from one level to the next. A series of lessons: growth and maturity, triumphs and losses, love and heartache, among many more. I have learned it is God allowing me to become the Man I am suppose to be. It is still a process but I'm striving everyday to fulfill his purpose for my life. Recently I have made a transition to becoming a published author with my debut book 5 Dimensions of A Man by Jerry Davis. It is available for purchase @ www.Barnes& I'm excited for the future and what God has in store for me, so anyone reading this blog embrace your transition because it just might change your life! Until next time, class dismiss!!!
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