Wednesday, October 28, 2015


There is a lot of violence going on in today's society against every culture of people. But the climate here in the United States of violence against black people is just short of genocide.
First there is a mass assault committed through black on black crime in our communities. Everything from gang violence to domestic violence and anything in between happening at an alarming rate. The effects of these horrendous acts are devastating to many families. As a culture we need to stop the self hatred and the inability to have constructive conflict resolution instead of destructive.
It is a terrible thing when a race of people continue to commit murder against themselves.

On the other side is the assault committed by police brutality against African-Americans. The countless cases in the news of brutality caught on camera but only later to be dismissed in the court of law. I totally understand the principle of respecting authority and we must definitely have to teach our children to do that as well. What I do have an issue with is when someone unarmed life is taken innocently or excessive force is used against a person of color but in that same scenario someone who is Caucasian that may less likely happen. No race card being played because it has always been the ace of spade since this country was conceived. Too many examples of this is constantly happening but there is always a justification for it. Wrong is wrong no matter if it is a civilian or a person behind a law enforcement badge, because at the end of the day we all are imperfect despite our race, gender, or occupation. People are entitled to their own opinion, but if you just look at things from one perspective be it the law or the victim, I feel the full answer to the problem will elude you.
I know people in law enforcement  that are genuine people, parents, and are not corrupt. But there are many who are.

I'm in the education field and the same principle applies for teachers, administrators as well for people of a particular race or culture. The problem comes in, when those perpetrators are not dealt with to keep the stain off the law abiding black citizens, the non racist or overly aggressive police officers. It seems a lot of people rather point the finger and feel their perspective is right instead of trying to get to the root of the problem.

The recent incident that just took place in a South Carolina high school a few days ago that went viral on the internet is yet another example. Honestly when I first saw the video of the white male officer yank the  black female student out of the chair and man handle her it angered me. I was looking at the fact he was a man and that was a girl who was not armed and posing a threat even though an order was given to get up from her seat.
Then I realize later that the teacher and an administrator had asked her to leave for a disciplinary infraction and she refused being insubordinate. Right there is a problem. So many of our children are not being taught to respect authority despite how they may or may not like it. That responsibility falls on the parents. By no means am I excusing the excessive force the officer used against the girl but it could have been avoided if she would have just gotten up when the teacher had asked her to.
In retrospect both sides have to do better to keep these incidents from happening frequently and becoming fatal whether caught on video or not. Parents must teach their children to respect all authority do what is ask of them and law enforcement  must demonstrate more compassion and de-escalate situations against people of color to minimize the outcome of deadly or excessive force.

The bible says in Ephesians 6:12, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms".

Poetic Thought:

The 60's civil rights movement was started but is not finish,
The progress made has been distorted and diminish,
The waves of destruction have hit high tide,
Black lives are being exterminated through many forms of genocide,
We have to take responsibility and change through action not rhetoric default,
It's past time to wake up, to stop this Blackberry assault! ~ JD

The more these issues remain the more this social injustice volcano is going to continue to erupt!
No the world is not perfect but everyone can play their respective part to do what is right for the common good of all. Until next time, class dismiss!!!

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