Friday, February 6, 2015


Well it is  the month of February and officially eight days from Valentines Day February 14th. This holiday is a celebration of love between couples married, engaged, or dating.
Many gifts are purchased at this time, especially chocolate, flowers, jewelry, and lingerie just to name a few. Of course not everyone is in a relationship, some people are single be it by choice or break up.
If you are reading this and in a relationship than your expression of love should reflect everyday besides Valentine's day.
For anyone who has ever been in a grown and mature relationship knows that it takes work.
You have two individuals a man and a woman unique in their own way coming together to form a bond. Many differences and similarities to mesh together. Her needs, his needs, her desires, his desires and so forth.
Love is at the core of any relationship but there also has to be respect, trust, communication, and committment in order to sustain a healthy relationship. Sometimes selfishness, insecurity, dishonesty, among many other things can be like a virus that infects a relationship causing strain and even heartache.
I have been in good and bad relationships in my life. There have been times I contributed to the turmoil in the relationship and other times it was the lady in my life. What experience has taught me is you can't change no one but yourself. Should you attempt otherwise it will be like beating your head against a brick wall and you have no right to complain about the headache!
Be prepared to love someone that is not flawless because neither are you. Before every kiss begins with KAY you must put in the work today! :-)

The bible says in Matthew 19:5, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."

Poetic Thought:

A bird in the hand beats two in the bush,
The labor of love will birth a blessing, you got to push,
In the purest form make love not lust,
The relationship garden cannot grow, must fertilize it with trust,
Be courageous, open your heart, to overcome committment fear,
How can two walk together, unless they agree, Where do we go from here? ~ JD

There is an ole school song by Stacy Lattisaw and Johnny Gill called "Where do we go from here".
 I listen to this song in my truck frequently because I like ole school R&B but also the significance of the song.  The synopsis of the song is about a man and a woman in a relationship that came to a crossroad and not sure if they should walk away or keep trying to make it work. Powerful song! At some point in life we all have had to ask this of ourselves and our significant other  Where do we go from here?  Until next time, class dismiss!!!